Moray Table

Moray Table

To create a furniture piece set for the new Inkaterra Hotel located in Machu Picchu, that has an aim of being minimalist and modern. This piece is to be made out of a material that, if not used, is destined to be trash; the incorporation of sand glass in concrete. The aesthetics are dragged from the inspiration of one of the main Cuzco archeological wonders:Moray. Using semantics for its forms, these are meant to unconsciously invite the guests of the new hotel to the Cuzco beauties.

The Material

With the intention of stopping using plastic bottles, in Machu Picchu Pueblo, more glass bottles began to be used, but the transportation is too expensive to be worth sending it to a recycler. Therefore, glass began to accumulate. Inkaterra, together with AJE, obtained a glass bottle grinding machine. Now Machupicchu finds itself with tons of glass sand, in accumulation; even so, it is not worth the transport for the cost. So, a solution for the use of this material needs to be found locally.

The Problem

The Goal

Finding a value for sand glass


Moray, Cuzco, Perú


From Work to Hygge


Night Sun